Immersion provides a solution to these challenges. Immersion cooling requires significantly less energy than traditional air cooling and cools IT equipment more effectively. This results in a lower burden for the environment and lower OPEX for datacenter operators.
Our brand Qloe, developed by Oleon, offers biobased dielectric liquids. It is a one-of-a kind liquid that has been extensively tested and has good dielectric, heat transfer and material compatibility properties at low viscosity. It is the most sustainable liquid in the market, as it is based on plants, has zero global warming potential and is biodegradable. Compared to its peers, our liquids are safe for handling (no respiratory or toxicological risks) and has high flash points.
Product properties
Oleon transforms plant-based raw materials into dielectric liquids. It takes pride in providing the greenest and safest liquid with top-class performance in cooling IT.
We are a leading producer of oleochemicals with global operations with a history dating back to 1835. We are backward integrated into our mother company, Avril, thus providing a long-term vision, stability and security of supply.
Our commitment to our customers goes further than supplying superb quality products as we can advise and support our partners on sustainability gains, achieving ESG targets and reducing Scope III emissions thereby enabling Avril’s mission: to serve the Earth.
No toxicological or respiratory risks, keeping your employees safe. We care about people and planet, committing ourselves to strict safety targets for our employees and advising our partners too.
Our liquid is not toxic for the environment and does not pose a threat to marine life as it does not bio-accumulate. We actively collaborate with our partners to close the circle and relief them of the end-of-life burden.
High flash point and low viscosity: our liquid is amongst the top players.
For more information, please ask for our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Our liquid is in conformity with Open Compute Project standards. We have tested our liquid extensively in multiple settings with remarkable results.
Our liquid distinguishes itself in good material compatibility and dielectric properties.
Furthermore, our liquid has a low viscosity, resulting in good flow behavior and therefore excellent heat transfer properties.
For more information, ask for our Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

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