Why enzymes?

By moving our product manufacturing from a chemical catalytic system to one that embraces enzymatic esterification, during both up-and downstream processing, we are enabling a wide range of benefits for brands looking to develop greener products. Enzymes are nature’s catalysts which means they are from natural origin, offer high specificity with low temperature & pressure, are a non-hazardous biocatalyst, reduce side stream processing waste and are fully recyclable and reusable. 

So why not use the best that nature has to give?

The benefits of production by means of enzymatic esterification:

Increased process safety by switching
to a solvent-free process, reducing working temperature & pressure and
using non-hazardous biocatalyst
60% waste reduction because of less side streams
40% reduction in green-house gas emissions by working at lower operating temperatures
Higher efficiency & product quality by
better use of raw materials to keep the

The INCITE project

To play its part in building a more sustainable chemical industry, Oleon partnered with the INCITE project.  

The project involves the use of enzymes to make biobased products in a diverse variety of industries. INCITE aims to affect change by developing novel upstream and downstream processing technology.

facts & figures:
    • Collaboration of 8 European partners
    • Part of the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
    • 10 years of preliminary research
    • Duration of 52 months
    • 100 Oleon employees and contractors
    • 3000 MT / Y of production capacity

Want to discover more? Watch this video:

Let's ACT now for a greener future

Our products produced by means of enzymatic esterification, will be identified by the logo ACT. It represents a range of products in which current product qualities are augmented with all advantages through enzymatic esterification. Enzyme-based production is an example of greener production processes, one of the three impact areas Oleon is focussing on. The ACT range is a new step in our strategy of Serving the Earth and is the result of our permanent focus on innovation as a driver for safe & sustainable solutions.

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